<aside> 💡 At Tidio, we aim to grow and aspire high. It means having high ethical standards that apply to every Tidioer, no matter their role or seniority in the company. That's why we created our Code of Conduct and Ethics to guide us daily and let us be our best in the work environment.

In order to stay fully transparent, we make the document publicly available.


Table of Contents

*** Please mind that some links in the document are only available for Tidio employees*

Our Values and the Code

As Tidioers, we agree to respect the following values (the Values):

Moreover, we agree to follow the Code of Conduct and Ethics (the Code).

<aside> 💡 What is the Code for us? It is a set of principles and norms crucial for Tidio, its employees, and collaborators. We should remember that together we create Tidio's reputation, so we are all obliged to act in accordance with the Code and the principles adopted therein.

Failure to comply with the agreements presented in the Code will be considered individually and followed by steps taken appropriately to the scale of the event (unless specified differently in the document).


1. Tidio is the people

a) Diversity and inclusion

We believe that diversity is our greatest asset. We respect others regardless of their seniority, age, gender, race, origin, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

At Tidio, we encourage everyone to express their opinions and build a working environment without permission for:


Actions or behaviors referring or addressed to an employee relying on persistent and long-lasting stalking or intimidation of the employee, which results in his lowered assessment of professional usefulness, causing or aiming at humiliation or lampoonery of the employee, his isolation or elimination from a group of co-workers.